Artwork Donations
A simple act of gifting healing prophetic artwork can inspire the hearts of people who desperately need hope. We believe in the power of gifting artwork to people, communities, cities, states, and governments in order to uplift their spirits and change their atmosphere. JH Org donates artwork to hospitals, prisons, orphanages, government offices, and to those living in poverty.
Prophetic Art for hospitals, orphanages, and group homes
We desire to feed the needy with spiritual food. We desire to inspire them to dream of a better future. Art is a spiritual food, and it has the power to inspire! In 2008, an orphanage in Africa needed winter food. Janet Hyun put together an art show. and the proceeds from her sold art went to purchase food for their winter. Art is not just 2 dimensional, it’s a Kingdom resource. We can provide orphanages with inspiring artwork to place on their walls, healing art workshops, and art supplies for the students to create with.

In 2024,
We donated art to all 50 states of America, in order to unite them in one spirit of Truth and Togetherness, during a time of election preparation - which has always been a time of tension and division in the USA.
We chose to donate Janet Hyun's painting: "The Keys are the Truth" to every state government office. We sincerely thank everyone who helped make this happen. Being united in one visionary artwork of Truth and Hope served as a gateway to miracles and connection, instead of separation and division.
Letters of Gratitude from State Offices
In response to our 2024 project of sending "The Keys are the Truth" painting to all 50 states in America, we received letters of gratitude from many government offices.
Get Involved
Do you share Janet's vision?
Let's unite all spheres of influence, and bring hope to those who need it the most. We can do this in a powerful way through Art - all for the Kingdom of God.
Make a Donation
We Awaken Dreams, Bring Healing, & Change Culture.. through Prophetic Art!
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